FoGC Researcher’s Workshop
Getting started with researching the people in Geer Cemetery
Do you love a mystery? When you drive past Geer Cemetery, do you wonder about the lives of the people buried there? Does the idea of saving people’s life stories from obscurity make your heart beat a little faster? Come learn about how we do genealogical research at Geer Cemetery, and experience the thrill of the chase and the satisfaction of being a vital part of Durham’s history.
We’ll present a beginner’s research workshop focused on Geer Cemetery on May 3rd, 6:30-8:00 pm, at the Chesterfield Building, 701 W Main St, Durham, NC 27701. The workshop is free, but you must reserve a place by emailing friendsofgeercemetery@gmail.com, with “Workshop” in the subject line.
We hope to see you there.